Monday, October 14, 2013

27 Easy Ways to Save

It seems like we are all looking for ways to stretch our dollars lately. I've compiled a list of practical tips that help me save money every month!

-Don't eat out: Or at least try to cut back. It's no secret that eating out is way more expensive than cooking at home
-Plan your meals: I can't stress this enough. If you have a plan and stick to it, you will be less likely to go out and splurge at a restaurant. When making your meal plan, be sure to include breakfast, lunch and a few snack items.
-Make a list: Always go to the grocery store with a plan and a list. This will help you stick to your meal plan (since you will already have all the ingredients). Also, it will stop you from making multiple trips to the store and spending money on unnecessary items.
-Stop wasting food: If you have a plan and a list it will keep you from having to throw out a lot of food that you never got around to eating.
-Shop your pantry: Before making your meal plan, take an inventory of your pantry and freezer and see what meals you can come up with.
-Double batch: Next time you're cooking a meal that could be frozen, make a double batch. This way you'll have something ready in the freezer the next time you're too tired to cook from scratch.
-Cut back on meat: Give "Meatless Mondays" or "Vegetarian before 6pm" a try. Meat is pricey so going one or more days a week without it will make your budget last longer.
-Bulk bins: If your store offers bulk bins it will allow you to get just enough for a specific recipe. Bulk is usually cheaper too.
-Bountiful Baskets (or any other co-op): You get a great price on produce and extras like bread, bulk produce, coconut oil and more.
-Grow your own: There are a ton of resources now for learning how to grow your own produce and herbs.
-Stop buying reusables: They can get expensive and they are terrible for the planet. Switching from paper towels and napkins to washables can put a little more room into your grocery budget.
-Start a dinner club: Start with one or two other families and take turns having each other over for dinner once a week/month. It can also help to have a social outing if you are cutting back on entertainment expenses.

-Cut back on electricity use: Turn off the lights when you leave a room (and train your kids to do the same). Open the windows and turn off the A/C when the weather allows. Line/rack dry large blankets or sheets.
-Check cell phone usage: You may not be using as many minutes or as much data as you think. Check your bills and see if you could move down to a lower cost plan.
-Shop around for insurance rates: Shopping around for better rates once a year is a great way to cut back on insurance expenses.
-Turn off the Cable: Cutting off the cable can yield a huge monthly savings in some cases. You don't have to give up tv, sign up for a service like Netflix for as low as 7.99/mo.
-Make your own household cleaners: I've seen tons of recipes on pinterest and the main ingredients all seem to be vinegar and baking soda (both inexpensive). Use up what you have and reuse the bottles to make your own.

-Stay away from the mall: Or any other places you would usually be tempted to spend money.
-Turn off the tv: I already used this earlier but it can be a great tool to curb your shopping. If you're not watching tons of commercials telling you about all the stuff you just have to have!
-Look for free local entertainment: Many areas offer concerts in the park, bicycle tours and other community events free!
-Utilize your library: Local libraries can be a great source of entertainment. You can borrow books, cd's and movies (even new releases!). They can also offer outings such as family movie nights, classes and ours even hosted a mystery dinner theater recently (all for free)!
-Give up the starbucks habit: Brew it at home and take it in a reusable cup.
-Picnic: Instead of eating out with your family, plan a picnic at a local park.
-Pack lunch: If you know you won't be home around lunch time plan ahead and pack a lunch to take to work or while you're running errands.
-Home haircuts: This might not work for the ladies but if you have little boys, it might be a good idea to invest in a set of clippers. With 3 little boys at $12 a haircut, they would pay for themselves in no time!
-Reuse gift bags: No need to buy fancy gift wrap and birthday cards. Just save the bags/bows from gifts you've received. Also, for children's birthday parties, I have my kids make their friends a homemade birthday card.
-Sell your stuff: Go room by room and start selling your unwanted or unused stuff. It can also give you some much needed cabinet space. My favorite places to advertise are Craigslist, Ebay and our local facebook yard sale page.

What are some other ways you save $$?


  1. I always spend way too much money at Wal-mart. I avoid it.

  2. Great idea Leigh! Always good to stay away from the places that tempt you!
