#1 You purchase coconut oil (unrefined and organic of course) in bulk
#2 Your friends bring you gifts of fresh cut herbs and homemade deodorant
#3 Your kids ask everyone (including Grandma and the guy at Chik-fil-a) why their food has GMOs
#4 You recommend "The Business of Being Born" to every pregnant woman you see
#5 You're a Hoarder of glass jars (because you've stopped buying plastic and you need them to store all your homemade concoctions).
#6 Your toothpaste is either brown or in the form of a homemade powder
#7 There is a basket of fresh eggs on your kitchen counter
#8 You've spent $50 on a bottle of fermented cod liver oil (orange flavor)
#9 You haven't bought bottled water in years (you carry yours around in a glass jar and refill at public water fountains)
#10 You dig through your garbage for food scraps or take them home from friends houses for your chickens/compost pile
There you have it fellow crunchies!
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